Thursday, July 9, 2009

You better not fail me roast beef sandwich

It's gotten so bad, that the rest of my day is hinging on how well my Roast beef and Co-jack cheese sandwich performs in 20 mins.

Lunch, it's the only thing I look forward to during my work day, well that and going home.

I think I'm going to start little blurbs here and there about my co-workers, for example the two fatties who complain that they diet but can't loose the wieght. Well, I think eating two Lean Cuisine Microwave Lunch's kinda defeats thier purpose.

Or the chick in this office who has had more body work done then a '78 Camero, and dresses like she has the figure of a 16 year old, when she really has the figure of an over stuffed sausage.


1:00 while my sandwich was very delcious and did put up a good fight trying to conquer my workday fits of rage, it was not enough and the feeling of "I'd rather pound nails into my dick then sit here" still lingers on....

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