Friday, July 10, 2009

I don't think a sandwich is going to save today.

Started the day off fighting with the wife, and I mean fighting, there was shoving yelling and a child getting under toe. I think I reached my breaking point, I'm just getting tired of being treated like a roomate, bank, and a house nig.

It all started over breakfast, (most of our fights start over breakfast) she was eating pancakes and got butter on her shirt. Which upset her, so I asked her if I can get her a paper towel, "It's butter!" she snapped at me, "Well then you want a peice of toast then?" I said, trying to make light of the situation. Then she decided to treat me like a kid and begin to tell me how much she doesn't appreciate it when I mock her and patrionize her, both words she really doesn't under stand the concept of, I just think she says them because they sound like they'd fit.

Well I apologized for "mocking" her and told her I wasn't mocking her I was making light of the situation. So as I'm putting my shoes on she decides she wants to start crying like a little brat. So I told her I'm done, I'm going to work, you can stay here and have your family over, they're at my house more then I am, they can move in. I'm going to work so I can buy food for your sister and her kids everytime they come over, and you can take care of your own whenever you feel like it. She then decided she wanted to get in my way and bar me from leaving because she wasn't going to let me leave pissed because it will ruin my day. "It doesn't matter what fucking mood I leave in, my day gets progressivly worse as soon as I leave!" "I go to work and argue with people and clean up messes, I come home and argue with you and clean up messes!"

A pushing match ensued with me playing the role of the unstopple force and the wife taking the role of the un-moveable object. I won and left the house in a huff with the wife in tears.

I think it stemmed off from last night when I was talking to the wife and The Buzz came on, that little 5 min section of the 6:00 news when they prattle on about how awesome Hollywood is and why we should care that Michael Jackson is being buried with a glove on...big fucking whoop right? Well too my wife it is the most important 5 mins of her day, I hope to God that Casey doesn't start saying his first words during The Buzz otherwise the wife'll tell him to shut up.

Now I've given up a lot of things I like to do ever since I've gotten married and have had kids, I tend to not care what other people do unless it happens under my roof, you think my wife could do the same? No, I was told to turn my music down while I was cleaning the kitchen and making my lunch and getting everything ready for the next morning. Was it that my music was so loud the neighbors could hear it? Was it that I was listening to Pantera and she was getting sick of hearing swears and awesome guitar solo's? No, I was listening to Bluegrass and it was disctracting her from listening to Michael Jackson which she had cranked up on the computer. so I asked her to turn down MJ, because "You never listened to him before the fucker died, now you're a born again fan, I swear it's like 9-11 all over again! Everyone is a born again fan!" I said. "Well he meant a lot to me, he was a great artist, and I'll miss him." That's about the point I lost it, "Does that fucker put a roof over your head? Did that fucker give you two wonderful children? Does that fucker go to a job he hates everyday to make sure you can stay home with the kids? Has that fucker ever told you he loves you? NO!" "If he means so much to you, WTF do I mean to you?" "I get nagged everytime I do something, I get to listen to you complain about EVERYTHING!"

So here I sit at work getting pissed off, and wondering where my future is heading, just a normal day in this pathetic life of mine.

So after feeling horrible for my actions this morning, yes I'll be the first the admit, I have a short temper, it's gotten even shorter in the past 4 months, I don't know why. I apologized to my wife and admitted that I could've handled the whole event a little better instead of acting like an angry gorrilla. I explained to her what caused me to blow up, she didn't quite to seem to understand why I was telling her she needs to grow up, (I think it was an instance of Pot calling Kettle black) But all seems to be ok for now, I'm still at work but I think I'm going to stop by Discount Liqour and pick up a six pack of something, and lament about my life to somebody who'll listen.

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