Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You Know What I Don't Need for My Birthday or Christmas?

Strife, and agony!

I don't need any of those. No sir, got me plenty of that right now, so much I'm thinking about re-gifting it back to those who gave it to me. Hell, I'll even re-use the bag and tissue paper it came in, I'm not proud.

Here's the good:

Casey's Sunday night 10 hour solid sleep fest was not a one time thing, he did it again last night! I forgot what a solid 7 hours of sleep felt like!

I'm finally getting those fiddle lessions I've been wanting!

There is an air of calm under my roof, tempers have not flared up since Sunday night, I know it's only been one day, but hey baby steps.

Liam is starting to realise that Casey is not a toy and is learning the fine art of "Gentle" and "Nice"

Casey seems to be all around different baby, he's smiling more, gurgling, happy, doesn't need to be held on a constant basis.

I have a day off next Friday (the 24th)

We got our refinance on the house! Hello $100 cheaper payment!

Now the Bad, and belive me these are big bads!

Well Casey has ruptured ear drums from an ear infection. Temporary (I hope!) hearing loss, and they should heal and he'd be back to normal.

We have no insurance for Casey until the 1st of August, which leads me too...

We owe $20,000 for Casey's Dr. Visits, Hospital stay, and Birth. "Why?" you ask, well it turns out when we added Casey to our insurance and we were told "Everything is fine, he's added" what the guy meant to say was "I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to tell you that we need his birth certificate!" English, what a confusing language right? So everything that was covered is now denied and we have to fax in his certificate, and appeal all the denied claims, cause you know I have nothing better to do with my time then screw around with Insurance companies.

I guess it's not too bad, at least the good outweighs the bad. So I guess the saying is true, hows it go? Oh yeah, "God opens a window after he roundhouses you in the nutbag"

lousy deity....*fist shake*

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