Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Tribute to Halloween Costumes Past

Seeing it's my favoritest time of year, early fall. I figure I'd pay hommage to my past Halloween costumes, I've had some good ones, and some that were just plain odd, but all of them 100% hand made, no going to Halloween Express and buying a bagged costume!

Pre Toys R Us years:

Coming from a middle to lower income family we pretty much made our own costumes, They weren't the lower income costumes, like "I'm a businessman, or I'm a homless person" my mother would work fevereshly over a sewing machine and would make us costumes from scratch using templates and ideas she picked up at the fabric store. Most of them were cutesy costumes like pumpkins, dragons, bats, and convicts. Ther were a couple mentionable ones though. I remember being 4 or 5 and my Uncle Dave (RIP) and my father putting a mixture of corn flakes, mollases and red food coloring on my face and telling me I was a burnt skeleton. Yes it was about as comfortable as it sounds.

I'm prolly one of the few people in the world who never went throught that "I'm too old for Halloween" phase, guess it was my Celtic blood kicking in. Hell I remember dressing up as The Phantom of the Opera when I was 16. I stopped Trick or Treating when I was 14 but I still made the rounds with my sister and cousin's

The Toys R Us years:

Chainsaw Vigilante- Fun costume to make, but I screwed up on the hair, so I just looked like a dude with a cardboard mask in a leather jacket. I think two people figured out who I was.

Furby Hunter -By far the best and most disturbing costume I've ever made, boys thought it was awesome, girls were terrified by my many Furby pelts, plus talking like the main bad guy from "Rescuer's Down Under" really added to the charm. I also wore this costume to a Halloween party, I ended up sitting on a fish lure, and walking around with a coat hanger offering free abortions....I was not drunk.

Teasel Bonne -from Mega Man Legends, Pat and I worked for weeks on this costume trying to get the hair to be horizontal, after trying spray starch, glue and a coat hanger, I finnaly got it. The only problem was I ran out of time and money, and couldn't get the rest of the green costume done. So I improvised and played Teasel Bonne, TRU employee. Not the best role in the world, but I did have fun making the Dark and Brooding "Jonny Magik" break character. Another one of those nights where I lost count of the times he said "I hate you Mike".

TFC Medic -Damn I miss my TFC days! This was a costume I designed and worked on for months...only to have 9-11 ruin it's appeal. Due to the ingornace of humanity, and after being asked if I was from the CDC and people freaking out over Anthrax, my costume was quietly removed and I was forced to walk around the store in camoflauge. I guess a guy wearing a resperator and a salad bowel on his head is a little too over the top for Brookfieldans.

Angry Mike -It was a Sunday, and I was hung over from a prior Halloween party, so my creative juices were not really flowing. I took some grease paint, and made gigantic furrowed brows on my forehead, and changed my name tag to "Angry Mike F" it got some chuckles.

AT&T Years

Not as much of an audience as the Toys R Us, due to being in an office setting and being force to sit on my ass. But I still cranked out some good costumes.

Skeleton couple -The wife and went to a couples Halloween party, and I've always wanted a full skeletong suit, so I went out bought some coveralls and hand painted two skeleton suits that glow in the dark. I'm still impressed with those, they took three weekends to finish, and they even one me $25! This was also the year my brother and I worked on his Dimebag Darrell costume, which he wore several Halloweens in a row.

Drunk Redneck -Big stretch there...but hey it marked my first Halloween party in my own house!! I did a keg stand, lost track of time and puked. It was a good night.

Zombie Mechanic -I decided to dress up as my zombie character from when I volunteered at Fright Fest seeing nobody got to see it. It was pretty hard considering I was sitting in a bar drinking for 2 hours before I had to somewhere else and drink. Sometime during the night I found a pair of vampire teeth and became a vampire zombie. This was also the year my brother dressed up as his wrestling alter ego, UTAR! It was damn hillarious.

Mikegoroth-It was fun running around worshiping Satan and encouraging church burning for a night. Again another exclusive costume some people didn't get. I think it's still my Myspace page avatar, so that should go to show how often I check that.

Abby Monk -An excuse to carry around a loaf of bread and drink Belgian Tripples, feet got cold after a while, just one of the joys of belonging to the Barefoot Brotherhood. Guess I picked this costume to make up for my sinning as Mikegoroth. :D

IRFC Supporter -That's Irish Rugby Football Club, I wore an Ireland rugby jersery carried around an Erin Go Brah flag and for my office portion I refilled and recapped some Guinness bottles with rootbeer and drank from them all day. I also filled a Tullimore Dew bottle with apple juice and chugged it for lunch, then picked a fight with a guy dressed as a Steelers fan. This was my first "Father Son" costume, I dressed Liam up as a beer keg and carried him around while we Trick or Treated with the Niece and Nephew's.

That's pretty much the noteworthy ones, I've got a couple ideas for this year, I just don't know how I'm going to put them together. I'd like to include Casey in my idea but I think it's just gonna be Liam and I.

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