Monday, March 30, 2009

I hate having resposiblity

So I'm stuck in rut as of late. It's all because I have responsiblities, I miss the days when all I had to worry about was, rent, bills and smokes. Now I have a wife, kid(s), house, cat, 2 cars, a widescreen TV, and an expensive beer habbit to maintain.

Had a momment of levity with my brother over the weekend helping him move. Well, my cousin was in a musical The Pirates of Penzance, he had a pretty important role playing the Pirate King. The Kid was impressive, he did an awesome job! It was after the show when everybody was all like, "Tyler, we're so proud of you!" "Tyler you did an awesome job!" "Tyler, it's nice to know that somebody in this family has some talent!"

I told Matt, "You know if we had as much support as Tyler did when we were his age, I'm sure our parents would be proud of us."

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Joy's of Parenthood

My son did the cutest thing today, no I'm not going to share it with you, he's my kid, get your own dammit.

And my new favoritest website at the momment,

I also found something weird today that I never really looked at until recently. The spelling of cemetery. I think that's one of those simple words that should be spellled the way it sounds. Like cemetary, it sounds like that, so why shouldn't it be spelled that way?

Is it also odd that I labeled this post as children and cemeteries?

Monday, March 2, 2009

First Off...

I hate the term Blog, so I'll take a note from Henry Rollins and from this point out refer to this little things here as "dispatches"

So I'm sitting here with Hero's on in the background while listening to the Dubliner's while I type up my first blog. I'm not really paying attention to what's going with this weeks episode, but when I do look up just a momment, what do I see? The guy who was recently rescued from a comic book store (The owner I'm assuming) is taking a shower and what his he sporting? A Dynamite I've been to plenty of comic book stores, even ones outside of the midwest, and I have yet to run into a comic book store owner who has any sort of definition. I've seen your stereotypical overwieght, grahm cracker chomping store owner all the way down to the scrawny, thick glasses wearing hipster, who has a Hello Kitty purse.

Now I know it's Hero's which the only thing it has going for it is, well, it's a Monday and there's nothing on, and it's too early for me to take a shower so I guess I'll watch it. Oh, and there's a commercial for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon....I hate that guy. But anyway back to Hero's, oh yeah that's right I don't care.

That's my first attempt at a Blog (that's the last time I'll use the word) I doubt anybody will read it seeing the internet is full of these things and my bitter veiw on the world will more then likely be lost on bitterer and angrier and typo strewn veiws on the worl. Cellphone's am I right? Come on people.

I hope Sylar kills that weeney kid he picked up.