Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's been a while since this has happened

So it was Awesome Batchelor Night last night! Kid's in bed at 7:30 wife at work until 10:00. You think I sat around, drank beer and watched porno's? Did I sit on the computer and play Left 4 Dead for two hours? Hell, do you even think I sat in front of the TV and watched what I wanted to watch? Nope I drank a beer in the garage, put Liam to bed again (he likes to come in and out of his bedroom at least two or three times before finally calling it a night) busted out the fiddle and practiced that beast for 45 mins straight!

Here's the "It's been a while momment" after practicing for 15 mins, I decided to change my grip on the bow, then it hit me. It was the "Holy cow this makes perfect sense, is that all it takes" momment. Like when you finaly figure out how to perform 90% of Zangief's moves in Street Fighter for the SNES after deciding that he has the dumbest move set ever! Who the hell has the time to do a 360 on the control pad!?!

After the past 6 or so years of doing tasks that required no skill. It was an enlightening momment that I was doing something again that takes skill, patience, practice and time. Not since playing Rugby or TFC have I felt this...good? Granted I'm still a beginner at the fiddle and can't really play much other scales. I know this is something that's going to be with me for the rest of my life. Hell I might even cash in some of my old PS2 games, cause I dont' think I'll need them anymore.

Happy birthday son #1

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