Friday, August 28, 2009


How's a good way to tell you left your MP3 player on all night? Well, when the last song you listened too as you roll into the driveway is Dope Sick Girl by Rancid, and then as you start to leave the next morning Ram It Down by Judas Priest (which by the way is a hillarious song title since Halford came out) is playing and your playlist is not on shuffle. Then your player promplty eeks out it's out last blips and bleeps before retiring due to a low battery, is a good indicator.

As long as we're on the subject of Judas Priest, I've decide that the following Preist songs have taken on a new meaning since Halford came out.

Rocka Rolla:
Deep Freeze
Dying to Meet You
Diamonds and Rust

Sad Wings of Destiny:
Victim of Changes
The Ripper
Island of Domination

Sin After Sin:
Call for the Priest
Raw Deal
Here come the Tears
Dissadent Aggresor

Stained Class:
Better By You Better Then Me
Heroes End

Hell Bent for Leather:
Delivering the Goods
Hell Bent for Leather
Burnin' Up
Evil Fantasies

British Steel:
Rapid Fire
The Rage

Point of Entry:
Don't Go
You Say Yes
All the Way
The album title itself is damn hillarious

Screaming for Vengeance:
Electric Eye
(Take These) Chains
Pain and Pleasure
You've Got Another Thing Coming
Screaming for Vengeance

Defenders of the Faith:
Rock Hard Ride Free
Eat me Alive
Heavy Duty

Turbo Lover
Rock You All Around the World
Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days
Hot For Love

Ram It Down:
Ram it Down (Duh)
Love Zone
Come and Get It
Hard as Iron

Pain Killer:
All Guns Blazing
Leather Rebel
Night Crawler
Between the Hammer and the Anvil
One Shot at Glory

Then Halford left and Ripper joined the band. He's not gay so the couple albums they released aren't as funny. The Halford came back for Angel of Retribution and Nostrodomus, but then the world new he was gay so the song titles aren't as creepy anymore.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear, Friends, Family etc.

Please don't assume that because I'm drunk, I'm going to turn into some kind of
belligerent asshole. I think I have a pretty damn good track record of being a drunk. 99% of the time when I'm drunk I turn into a blithering idiot, not some kind of angry wife beating trailor trash.

Also, please note, telling me "I've had too much" when I'm sitting in a chair talking out of my ass is never a good idea. Chances are If it's past 8:30 I'm a combination of drunk and over tired. Just point me in the direction of the nearest floor, couch, bed or comfy chair and let me fall asleep. Don't laught at me and assume I'm soo drunk I passed out. I stopped doing that shit when I was 16. My day starts anywhere between 5:30 and 6:15 and that's after five to six hours of sleep, so come 8 o'clock in the PM I'm ready for bed, but seeing as I'm prolly having a good time if there is a beer in my hand, I will ignore all messages my brain tells me to take my evening BM, shower and go to sleep.

Yeah true, I may not be as fun and exciting as I used to be, but having a two year old son who needs to know that throwing sand at everybody is not acceptable behavior takes some of the "sugar" out my demeanor. I get to be the disciplinarian and have to step in after hearing "Liam we don't throw sand," a thousand times. I have to use my daddy voice and let him know I'm being serious. I don't hit, yell at for no reason or swear at my son. I only give him a swift swat on the butt after the fifth or sixth time or using the "Daddy" voice, and the diaper absorbs all of that impact. After working at Toys R Us for six years I see what happens to kids when they're asked nicely to stop, and take a time out. These are Frahmann boys and the only thing we understand is pain, If it hurts we don't do it again. Which I should also know that yelling has no affect on us. So I guess just like my old man, I'm waisting my breath.

But anyway, back to the point, I'm not an abusive angry man. Just somebody who doesn't get to sit down and enjoy a good drunk as much as he used too. So yes, I can see how somebody would assume I'm overdoing it, and when I have to switch from acting like a 16 year old to Daddy mode, the transition is a little rough. All I want to do is sit around and be social with the company I enjoy. I don't really want to change a diaper or push my kid around in a stroller, I do that shit everyday. I want to involve myself with conversations that I can actaully relate too with my friends, that's something I only get to do once a month or as long as there is some kind of party.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's been a while since this has happened

So it was Awesome Batchelor Night last night! Kid's in bed at 7:30 wife at work until 10:00. You think I sat around, drank beer and watched porno's? Did I sit on the computer and play Left 4 Dead for two hours? Hell, do you even think I sat in front of the TV and watched what I wanted to watch? Nope I drank a beer in the garage, put Liam to bed again (he likes to come in and out of his bedroom at least two or three times before finally calling it a night) busted out the fiddle and practiced that beast for 45 mins straight!

Here's the "It's been a while momment" after practicing for 15 mins, I decided to change my grip on the bow, then it hit me. It was the "Holy cow this makes perfect sense, is that all it takes" momment. Like when you finaly figure out how to perform 90% of Zangief's moves in Street Fighter for the SNES after deciding that he has the dumbest move set ever! Who the hell has the time to do a 360 on the control pad!?!

After the past 6 or so years of doing tasks that required no skill. It was an enlightening momment that I was doing something again that takes skill, patience, practice and time. Not since playing Rugby or TFC have I felt this...good? Granted I'm still a beginner at the fiddle and can't really play much other scales. I know this is something that's going to be with me for the rest of my life. Hell I might even cash in some of my old PS2 games, cause I dont' think I'll need them anymore.

Happy birthday son #1