Tuesday, June 30, 2009

At work...

Bored! Holy hell I'm bored! I should be at least making an attempt to get something done, but when the work is boring I have zero ambition to do it.

Yes it's been a while since I've dispatched, having a kid does that to you. They make everything hard, even potty breaks are few and far between. They're like tiny old people driving in the fast lane of your life.

Here's a week in the life of me, and I shit you not, this is how repetative my life has gotten. I'll start with Monday:

1, 2 or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up start day, either Wii fit or feed Casey
7:00 Get pissed I gained 3 pounds over the weekend/get ready to start day
7:45-7:50 leave for work
8:25 arrive at work sit at desk and wait until 8:30 to start work day.
8:30 start work day
8:35 wish work day was over
10:15 take first break walk around outside
10:30 break's over, try to convince myself to go back inside
10:45 finnaly browbeat self into going back inside
12:00 eat lunch
12:30 take another walk
12:45 talk to wife
1:00 return to work
2:45 last break/talk to wife/eat pretzels
3:00 afternoon crash
3:05-5 go online to talk to angry telephone techs, looser sales people, and a bunch of people who "don't get it"
5:00 or 5:30 depending if I work OT, finnaly leave
6:00 eat supper
7:30 argue with wife over something totally dumb
8:00 put kids to bed
8:30-9:15 clean up kitchen put together coffee/lunch/feed lousy cat
9:20 shower prepare self for nighttime
10:00-10:30 watch Good Eats and pass out

1, 2 or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up start day, either Wii fit or feed Casey
7:45-7:50 leave for work
8:25 arrive at work sit at desk and wait until 8:30 to start work day.
8:30 start work day
8:35 wish work day was over
10:15 take first break walk around outside
10:30 break's over, try to convince myself to go back inside
10:45 finnaly browbeat self into going back inside
12:00 eat lunch
12:30 take another walk
12:45 talk to wife
1:00 return to work
2:45 last break/talk to wife/eat pretzels
3:00 afternoon crash
3:05-5 go online to talk to angry telephone techs, looser sales people, and a bunch of people who "don't get it"
5:00 or 5:30 depending if I work OT, finnaly leave
6:00 eat supper
6:30 bathe the children
7:30 argue with wife over something totally dumb
8:00 put kids to bed
8:30-9:15 clean up kitchen put together coffee/lunch/feed lousy cat
9:20 shower prepare self for nighttime
10:00-10:30 watch Good Eats and pass out

1, 2 or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up start day, either Wii fit or feed Casey
7:45-7:50 leave for work
8:25 arrive at work sit at desk and wait until 8:30 to start work day.
8:30 start work day
8:35 wish work day was over
10:15 take first break walk around outside
10:30 break's over, try to convince myself to go back inside
10:45 finnaly browbeat self into going back inside
12:00 eat lunch
12:30 take another walk
12:45 talk to wife
1:00 return to work
2:45 last break/talk to wife/eat pretzels
3:00 afternoon crash
3:05-5 go online to talk to angry telephone techs, looser sales people, and a bunch of people who "don't get it"
5:00 or 5:30 depending if I work OT, finnaly leave
6:00 Go to Ma's house for supper
7:30 argue with wife over something totally dumb
8:00 put kids to bed
8:20 Take out garbage
8:30-9:15 clean up kitchen put together coffee/lunch/feed lousy cat
9:20 shower prepare self for nighttime
10:00-10:30 watch Good Eats and pass out

1, 2 or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up start day, either Wii fit or feed Casey
7:45-7:50 leave for work
8:25 arrive at work sit at desk and wait until 8:30 to start work day.
8:30 start work day
8:35 wish work day was over
9:00 wish it was Friday
10:15 take first break walk around outside
10:30 break's over, try to convince myself to go back inside
10:45 finnaly browbeat self into going back inside
12:00 eat lunch
12:30 take another walk
12:45 talk to wife
1:00 return to work
2:45 last break/talk to wife/eat pretzels
3:00 afternoon crash
3:05-5 go online to talk to angry telephone techs, looser sales people, and a bunch of people who "don't get it"
5:00 or 5:30 depending if I work OT, finnaly leave
6:00 eat supper
6:30 bathe the children
7:30 argue with wife over something totally dumb
8:00 put kids to bed
8:30-9:15 clean up kitchen put together coffee/lunch/feed lousy cat
9:20 shower prepare self for nighttime
10:00-10:30 watch Good Eats and pass out

1, 2 or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up start day, either Wii fit or feed Casey
7:45-7:50 leave for work
8:25 arrive at work sit at desk and wait until 8:30 to start work day.
8:30 start work day
8:35 wish work day was over
10:15 take first break walk around outside
10:30 break's over, try to convince myself to go back inside
10:45 finnaly browbeat self into going back inside
12:00 eat lunch
12:30 take another walk
12:45 talk to wife
1:00 return to work
2:45 last break/talk to wife/eat pretzels
3:00 afternoon crash
3:05-5 go online to talk to angry telephone techs, looser sales people, and a bunch of people who "don't get it"
5:00 or 5:30 depending if I work OT, finnaly leave
6:00 eat supper
8:00 put kids to bed
8:30-9:00 clean up kitchen put together coffee/lunch/feed lousy cat
9:00-10:30 Drink some beer play Left 4 Dead or watch next movie in Netflix Q
11:00 shower
11:30 go to sleep

1,2,or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up again feed Casey
7:00 make attempt to fall back to sleep
7:05 Curse at Liam for waking up
8:00 Make breakfast, play with kids, get ready to start weekend house chores
10:00 Piss wife off, go outside mow lawn
12:00 stop mowing lawn drink beer
12:15 Piss wife off more
12:30 eat food put Liam and Casey down for nap's, make attempt to woo wife
12:35 Sexually frustrated, return to mowing lawn
1:30 finish mowing lawn
2:00 do piddly yard work
2:30 sit down outside to enjoy 2nd beer of afternoon
2:30 and 15 seconds, go feed Casey and change Liam's diaper from nap
3:00 go outside and play with Liam and try to drink beer
4:30 make supper
4:35 piss off wife again
5:00 eat supper
6:00 Saturday bath night for kids
6:30-8:30 listen to Brewer game, drink beer
8:30 put kids to bed
9:00 make attempt to watch Netflix movie
9:30 pass out on couch/floor/Wii board/random shoe
10:00 wake up, go shower go to bed

1,2,or 3:30 wake up feed Casey
6:30 wake up again feed Casey (the kid eats like a trucker!)
7:00 contemplate going to church
7:01 decide church will be there next week no need to rush things
7:02 make an attempt to sleep just a little more
7:30 Get up, because for some unknown reason I can't fall back asleep
8:00 Liam wakes up
8:30 feed Casey yet again!
8:50 feed Liam, wife, and myself
9:00 try to find something good on TV
9:10 give up on Sunday morning television
10:30 try to find something fun to do
10:45 fail miserably
11:00 eat early lunch because I'm starving
12:00 eat another lunch because I'm starving
12:30 put kids down for naps
12:45 make another failed attempt at wooing wife
1:00 Listen to Brewers game drink beer
2:30-2:45 Liam's up! change diaper go back out side drink beer
2:50 Casey's up! Change diaper make bottle, go back outside and try to drink beer and feed Casey
3:00 Come to conclusion that Casey and Wife do not like it when I get beer on him
3:30 play with Liam and try to finish beer that's been sitting in sun since 3
5:00 eat supper
6:00 try to find something good on TV
7:05 complain about Simpson's
7:30 I thought they cancled King of the Hill
8:00 Marvel in the fact how Seth McFarlane thinks, Rape, Murder, Incest, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 80's pop culture, and flash backs are all recpies for Family Guy success
8:30 turn TV off don't even bother with American Dad..same shit different family
9:00 Get ready for bed
9:30 Curse [adult swim] for playing Family Guy reruns (I just don't think the shows funny)
9:35 watch something on Discovery, History or Travel Channel's
10:00 put [adult swim] back in because they're done with Family Guy and I can now watch real shows
10:01 pass out to opening credits for Robot Chicken...